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Allied Associations

Milwaukee County Public Links Association

The Greenfield Park Golf Club is a Milwaukee County Public Links Association (MCPLA) member. The MCPLA was founded in 1934 to promote golf in Milwaukee County through inter-club competition. The Brown Deer, Currie, Grant, and Greenfield Golf Clubs formed the nucleus of the organization. The Whitnall, Dretzka, and Oakwood Golf Clubs joined between 1953 and 1972.

Wisconsin State Golf Association

The Greenfield Park Golf Club is recognized by the Wisconsin State Golf Association (WSGA) and uses the WSGA for handicapping. The WSGA promotes, throughout the State of Wisconsin, the best interests and the spirit of the game of golf.

Wisconsin Public Links Association

Milwaukee County Golf

The Greenfield Park Golf Club plays at Greenfield Park Golf Course, one of the Milwaukee County Golf courses, and other county courses. Milwaukee County Golf has 13 golf courses that accommodate golfers of all experience levels, including Tournament, Championship, Regulation, Executive, and Par-three.

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